Friday, 19 July 2013

Magic Zoom™ for WordPress

Magic Zoom™ for WordPress
Magic Zoom  Vedio

Magic Zoom™ for WordPress

Hover over the image! Grab the WordPress plugin and start using Magic Zoom™.

Install now

  1. Download the Magic Zoom™ WordPress image plugin.
  2. Either upload it via your WordPress admin area (screenshot).
    Or unzip the file on your computer and FTP the magiczoom folder to /wp-content/plugins/, keeping the file and folder structure intact.
  3. Activate the plugin in the Plugins menu of WordPress.
  4. Add zooming to any image of your WordPress posts by referencing the small and large images. Reference your small image with <img> and link it to your big image using the CSS class of "MagicZoom". Customise it to your satisfaction! Your code will look something like this:
<a href="big.jpg" class="MagicZoom"><img src="small.jpg"/></a>
  1. To upgrade, buy Magic Zoom™ or apply for a free license. Overwrite the wp-content/plugins/magiczoom/core/magiczoom.js file with the file from the full version.

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