Thursday, 1 September 2016

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) on CCC | certificates CCC | result will be declared after the examination

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) on CCC
Q1.      What is Course on Computer Concepts (CCC)?
A1.    The computer literacy programme of the Society is an outcome of the recommendation of National Task Force on Information Technology and Software Development. This course is designed to aim at imparting a basic level IT Literacy programme for the common man.  This programme has essentially been conceived with an idea of giving an opportunity to the common man to attain computer literacy thereby contributing to increased and speedy PC penetration in different walks of life. After completing the course the incumbent should be able to the use the computer for basic purposes of preparing his/her personal/business letters, viewing information on internet (the web), receiving and sending mails, preparing his business presentations, preparing small databases etc. This helps the small business communities, housewives, etc. to maintain their small accounts using the computers and enjoy in the world of Information Technology. This course is, therefore, designed to be more practical oriented.
Q2.      What is the detailed syllabus of CCC:
A2      The detailed syllabus is available on NIELIT website i.e.
Q3      What is duration of CCC Course?
A3      Normally the CCC course duration is 80 hours (Theory: 25 hrs + Practical: 50 hrs. + Tutorial: 5 hrs.)
Q4      What are the eligibility criteria for CCC Course?
A4      The candidates can appear in the NIELIT CCC Examination either through NIELIT approved Institutes which are permitted to conduct CCC Course and having obtained E-Provisional no. / Registration no. or as Direct applicant irrespective of any educational qualifications.
Q5      What is the minimum age required for applying for CCC Examination?
A5      Since this is a course on computer appreciation, there is no minimum or maximum age limit for applying for CCC Examination.
Q6      How to apply in the CCC Examination?
A6      The candidates can apply for the CCC examination through the following two modes.
i) Offline mode: Candidate will have to apply in the prescribed Examination Form, which can be downloaded from the website of the NIELIT.
ii) Online mode: The candidate can also apply for the CCC examination through online facility of exam form and fee submission offered by NIELIT.
Q7      What is the fee of CCC Examination?
A7      The examination fee is Rs 360.00 only.
Q8      Can I submit the examination form of CCC with late fee and what is the late fee?
A8      Yes. But provision of exam form submission with late fee is applicable only for regular examination cycles conducted in the months of February, June and October. The late fee is Rs.50/-.
Q9      What is the schedule of CCC examination?
A9      CCC – Regular examination cycle:
ActivityFor candidates appearing through approved InstitutesFor candidates appearing as direct applicant
Feb ExamJune ExamOct ExamFeb ExamJune ExamOct Exam
Last date for submission of filled-in Forms without late fee at RCs.Preceding 31st DecPreceding 30th AprilPreceding 30th AugustPreceding 10th DecPreceding 10th AprPreceding 10th Aug
Last date for submission of filled-in Forms with late fee at RCs.Preceding 10th JanPreceding 10th MayPreceding 10th SepPreceding 20th DecPreceding 20th AprPreceding 20th Aug
Date of commencement of Exam.4th Saturday of Feb4th Saturday of June4th Saturday of Oct4th Saturday of Feb4th Saturday of June4th Saturday of Oct
CCC-Monthly examination cycle (EMEC):
ExaminationTime period for submission of Examination formExamination days
JanuaryNovember 01-3001st and 03rd Saturday
FebruaryDecember 01-3101st and 03rd Saturday
MarchJanuary 01-3101st and 03rd Saturday
AprilFebruary 01-2801st and 03rd Saturday
MayMarch 01-3101st and 03rd Saturday
JuneApril 01-3001st and 03rd Saturday
JulyMay 01-3101st and 03rd Saturday
AugustJune 01-3001st and 03rd Saturday
SeptemberJuly 01-3101st and 03rd Saturday
OctoberAugust 01-3101st and 03rd Saturday
NovemberSeptember 01-3001st and 03rd Saturday
DecemberOctober 01-3101st and 03rd Saturday
Q10     What documents need to be submitting along with the examination form?
A10     a) Completely filled-in Examination form along with 2 photographs (1 attested, 1 unattested) in the mentioned space.
b) Examination form must be forwarded through permitted/approved institutes in case of candidate belongs to approved institute only.
c)  Demand Draft of Rs 360/- as Examination fee and late fee, if applicable.
d) Attested copy of mark sheet of highest qualification.
Q11     What is mode of Examination fee to be pay in case of Offline Examination form?
A11     The mode of Examination fee must be Demand Draft issued by Nationalised Bank.
Q12    Where I can submit the examination form?
A12    The duly filled in examination form along with examination fee can be submitted at the designated NIELIT Centre attached to your choice of examination city. The respective NIELIT Centre will then be Regional Centre for your state.
Q13     From where can I get the details of Regional Centre?
A13    The details of Regional Centre vis-à-vis state are available on the website of NIELIT
Q14     In favour of whom the demand draft of examination fee is to be paid?
A14     The details with respect to the preparation of demand drafts are available on website of NIELIT i.e.
Q15     How many papers are there in CCC examination?
A15     Only 1 paper.
Q16     What are the minimum marks required to qualify CCC successfully?
A16     50 % marks are the minimum marks required.
Q17     What is the mode of examination?
A17     The examination is conducted in Online mode i.e. no pen/pencil/paper is required.
Q18     How many questions to be attempt and what is the duration of examination?
A18     The examination of CCC comprise of 100 objective type questions of 1 mark each, and the candidate is required to attempt the 100 questions in 90 minutes. There is no negative marking.
Q19     Where I can appear in the CCC Examination?
A19     Normally, the exam centres allotted to candidates is according to his/her centre choice (city) filled by the candidate. NIELIT have right to allot the other exam centre that has not filled by candidate.
Q20     Can I submit more than 1 examination form in single exam cycle?
A20     Not allowed.
Q21     Can I apply again for another CCC examination cycle, in case I failed to pass the CCC examination? Is there any limit to apply for CCC examination?
A21     Yes, you can apply again in other exam cycle. No, there is no limit yet.
Q22     Can I apply again for another CCC examination cycle, in case I passed the CCC examination?
A22     Yes, you can apply again in other exam cycle. No, there is no limit yet.
Q23     How I can get the confirmation that my examination form has been accepted?
A23     The information can be collected from the concerned NIELIT Regional centre where you had submitted the examination form. Also, the admit card will be provided to you by NIELIT Regional Centre. The admit card will also be available on the website of NIELIT HQ.
Q24     What can I do, in case there is mistake in the admit card?
A24     The mistake must be reported to Exam Superintendent at exam centre. Also, provide the supportive document in respect of the corrections.
Q25     What can I do, in case I had submitted my examination form wrongly to NIELIT HQ, New Delhi?
A25     The examination form will be returned to the sender as exam form are not processed at NIELIT HQ, New Delhi. You will be required to submit the examination form and fee at the designated Regional centre.
Q26     Where I can check the result of CCC Examination?
A26     The result will be declared on the NIELIT website.
Q27     When the result will be declared after the examination?
A27     Under normal circumstances, the result will be declared after 15 days from the completion of examination cycle.
Q28     What do the different grades awarded to the candidates after examination, represent?
A28     The examination result is represented as grades. The legend of grades is:
D: 50% – 54%, C: 55% – 64%, B: 65% – 74%, A: 75% – 84%, S: 85% and over, F : Fail
Q29     If I get admission to O/A/B or C level of NIELIT after successfully completing CCC can I get any benefit of CCC?
A29     No.
Q30     If I pass the CCC examination, who will issue the CCC certificate?
A30     The CCC certificates to the successful candidates will be issued by the NIELIT.
Q31     If I pass the CCC examination, can I have to collect my CCC certificate from NIELIT or it will be dispatched to me?
A31     The CCC certificate to the direct candidates is dispatched to the candidates directly, whereas, in case of candidates who apply through approved institutes, their certificates are dispatched to the respective approved institute.
Q32     What can I do, in case of mistake found in my certificate? What is the process of reissuance in this case?
A32     Re-issue of certificate due to corrections: Certificate may be re-issued to those candidates whose name; father’s name; mother’s name is wrongly spelt or photo incorrect (other than that pasted by candidate in his/her exam form. However, no request for correction in photo of candidates is entertained; and the photo of the candidate pasted on the exam form shall be printed on the certificate. The corrections (mis-spelt name, mother’s name and father’s name of the candidate) fall in the category of minor correction requests. The corrections namely, partly/full change of name/mother’s name/ father’s name falls under the category of major correction request.
The documents required for the re-issuance of the certificate (minor correction category) is detailed below:
  1. Return of the Original Certificate issued to the candidate, which needs correction;
  2. Submission of Demand Draft of Rs.50/- in favour of NIELIT payable at respective RC towards the processing fee;
  3. Submission of attested copy of Certificate of Educational Qualification (that the student might have acquired) in support of the correctness of Name, mother’s and the father’s name of the student; and
  4. Reason thereof, for erroneous spellings of name / father’s name appended on the exam form.
The documents required for the re-issuance of the certificate (major correction category) is detailed below:
  1. Return of the Original Certificate issued to the candidate, which needs correction;
  2. Submission of Demand Draft of Rs.50/- in favour of NIELIT payable at respective RC towards the processing fee;
  3. Submission of attested copy of Certificate of Educational Qualification (that the student might have acquired) in support of the correctness of Name, mother’s name and the father’s name of the student;
  4. Submit the affidavit before magistrate and follow the further procedure for publishing the change in at least two newspapers etc, and submit to NIELIT; and
  5. Reason thereof, for erroneous spellings of name /mother’s name/ father’s name appended on the exam form.
Q33     What can I do, in case of lost/mutilated certificates? What is the process of reissuance in this case?
A33     A duplicate certificate is issued to those candidates whose certificate has been lost / mutilated.  For issue of a duplicate certificate, a candidate has to submit his request along with following document:
  1. Demand Draft of Rs.100/- in favour of NIELIT payable at respective RC towards the processing fee;
  2. FIR lodged for the Loss of Certificate / mutilated certificate in original; and
  3. An attested copy of Certificate of Educational Qualification (that the student might have acquired) in support of the correctness of Name, mother’s name and the father’s name of the student.

बैंक Exam की तैयारी कैसे करे!

बैंक Exam की तैयारी 
दोस्तों, बैंकिंग सेक्टर में रिक्रूटमेंट इन दिनों बेहद ही रफ़्तार से देखने को मिल रही हैं । बड़े पैमाने पर आईबीपीएस, एसबीआई, आरबीआई आदि बैंकों में भिन्न-भिन्न पदों हेतु परीक्षा आयोजित की जा रही है | बैंकों में भर्तियों की जानकारी रोजगार समाचार और अखिल भारतीय स्तर के समाचार पत्रों में इन पदों के लिए विज्ञापन प्रकाशित होते रहते है | युवा वर्ग का इस क्षेत्र में बहुत अधिक लगाव देखने को मिलता है | हर युवा वर्ग का अभ्यर्थी इस क्षेत्र में नौकरी पाने का इच्छुक होता है |
जिन युवाओं को सही मार्गदर्शन और जानकारी के अभाव में वे इस नौकरी के लिए अवसर नहीं भुना पाते है । उनके लिए आज हम इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से बैंक Exam की तैयारी कैसे की जाए ? इस बारें में बताया जायेगा | जिससे आपको बैंक परीक्षा के एग्जाम को क्रैक करने हेतु मदद प्राप्त होगी | बैंक Exam की तैयारी हेतु जानकारी कुछ इस प्रकार है |
बैंक Exam की तैयारी हेतु मुख्य तथ्य
शैक्षिक योग्यता
बैंक के मुख्य पदों के लिए न्यूनतम शैक्षणिक योग्यता स्नातक की डिग्री मान्य की गई है । बीए, बीकॉम, और बीएससी के अलावा प्रबंध, कृषि और इंजीनियरिंग ग्रेजुएट अभ्यर्थी भी भारी संख्या में इस Exam में सम्मिलित हो सकते हैं।
बैंकों में पदों हेतु आयु सीमा राष्टीयकृत और सार्वजनिक बैंकों में 21 से 30 वर्ष तक की आयु सीमा निर्धारित की गई है ।
कैसे करें तैयारी
बैंक Exam की तैयारी कैसे की जाये ? यह प्रश्न बहुत से अभ्यर्थियों के समक्ष समस्या बनी हुई है | इसकी तैयारी के लिए अधिकतर एक्सपर्ट्स का मानना है कि सेट प्रैक्टिस करने से अच्छा और कोई दूसरा विकल्प फायदेमंद नहीं हो सकता। इसलिए स्टूडेंट्स के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है कि वे सेट प्रैक्टिस करने में लग जाये । खासकर पिछले सालों में पूछे हुए प्रश्नों को अवश्य हल करने का प्रयास करें। इस तरह का प्रयास करने के लिए सबसे मुख्य होता है कॉन्सेप्ट को अच्छे से क्लियर करना, इसलिए जहां तक सम्भव हो सेट प्रैक्टिस के पूर्व कांसेप्ट जरूर क्लियर कर लें । इस तरह से बैंक Exam के लिए तैयारी आसानी से की जा सकती है |
स्पीड है जरूरी
बैंकिंग परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करने हेतु सबसे अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है, कि आपकी स्पीड अच्छी हो । इसके लिए महत्वपूर्ण है कि यदि आप सेट की प्रैक्टिस 2 घंटे में करते हैं तो उसका हल देखने में 4 घंटे लगाएं, जिससे हम अपनी कमियों जानकर उनको दूर कर सके । ट्रिक्स और शॉर्ट कट्स पर भी ध्यान दें । उनका भी प्रयोग करते रहें जिससे याद रखने में आसानी होगी । इसके अलावा क्वेस्चन के पैटर्न भी देखना महत्वपूर्ण है ।
कोचिंग कितनी है लाभदायक
बैंकिंग की तैयारी के लिए कोचिंग आपके लिए लाभदायक अवश्य होती है, परन्तु इसके लिए यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप स्वयं के द्वारा साथ में कैसा परिश्रम कर रहें है । खुद से अच्छी मेहनत न करने से कोचिंग कक्षा में आप बहुत सी बातों को समझ नहीं पाएंगे और कोचिंग की स्पीड से तैयार नहीं पाएंगे । इस तरह आपका समय और पैसा दोनों ही व्यर्थ जा सकता है । इसलिए अगर आप कोचिंग क्लास ज्वाइन करते है तो उसी के अनुसार आपको मेहनत करना होगा |
इंटरनेट की सहायता है फायदेमंद
आजकल बैंकिंग के साथ काफी एग्जाम ऑनलाइन कराए जाने की प्रक्रिया हो गई हैं, इसलिए कंप्यूटर पर सही ढंग से सेट बनाना, खासकर ऑनलाइन सेट प्रैक्टिस आपके लिए परीक्षा कक्षा में फायदेमंद सिद्ध होगा | इंटरनेट के माध्यम से आप परीक्षा सम्बन्धी और भी जानकारी आसानी से प्राप्त कर सकते है | इस लिए बैंक के एग्जाम के तैयारी हेतु इंटरनेट का प्रयोग बहुत लाभदायक होता है |
परीक्षा कक्ष में महत्वपूर्ण बातें
आपके द्वारा की गई मेहनत का परिणाम परीक्षा हाल में किये गए परफॉरमेंस अनुसार प्राप्त होता है इसलिए परीक्षा हाल में मिले 2 घंटों में जिसने अपना बेस्ट परफॉरमेंस दिया, वह परफॉरमेंस साक्षात्कार कक्ष तक पहुंच जाता है। एक्सपर्ट्स की राय कहती है कि परीक्षा कक्ष में पहले उस सेक्शन को हल करें जिसको आप कम समय में कर सकें और गलती करने की उम्मीद कम हो । इसके लिए यदि आप जीएस, कंप्यूटर को चुनते है तो आपके लिए बेहतर होगा। इसके पश्चात इंग्लिश, मैथ्स, रीजनिंग को हल करें। यह रणनीति आपको परीक्षा के पहले ही बनानी होगी कि आपको कौन सा सेक्शन पहले चुनना है | एग्जाम हाल में यह भी बात महत्वपूर्ण होती है कि आपको मिले दो घंटे में 200 प्रश्न को किस प्रकार हल करना है तो उसके लिए ज्यादा समय लेने वालों प्रश्नों को छोड़ना आपके लिए उचित होगा | नेगेटिव मार्किंग को भी ध्यान में रखना जरूरी होता है जो प्रश्न न आता हो उसका गलत उत्तर देने की गलती न करें | इस तरह हम परीक्षा को सफल बनाने में कामयाब हो सकते है |

DOEACC CCC Syllabus 2016 Download Exam Pattern

DOEACC CCC Syllabus 2016
Candidates those going to apply for DOEACC CCC 2016 exam can download  their exam syllabus and exam pattern both in Hindi and English PDF format by visiting official website or through the link which is given below on this page. Candidates who desire to achieve their set target are required to download exam pattern/syllabus from official website or through the link given below. Contenders those want to crush this exam are required to give their 100% for this exam. Only then they will achieve their set goal. Candidates those worked hard can get the key of success in their hand. Candidates are required to be updated with this page for further information. This exam is compulsory for every candidate those want to get job in government sector.
DOEACC CCC Syllabus 2016
Introduction of Computer for DOEACC CCC Syllabus 
What is computer?
History of computers
Characteristics of Computer system
Basic Applications of Computer
Components of computer System
Central Processing Unit
Keyboard and Mouse and VDU
Other Input devices
Other Output devices
Computer Memory
Concept of Hardware and Software
Applications software
System Software
Representations of Data/ Information
Concept of Data processing 
Applications of IECT
Multimedia and Entertainment
Introduction to GUI Based Operating System
Basics of operating system 
Operating system
Basics of popular operating system (LINUX, WINDOWS)
The user interface
Task Bar
Start Menu
Running an Application
Operating System Simple setting
Changing System Date and Time
Changing Display Properties
To add or Remove A windows component
Changing Mouse Properties
Adding and removing printers
File and Directory management 
Types and Files
Elements of Word Processing 
Word Processing Basics
Opening Word Processing package
Menu bar
Using the icons below Menu Bar
Using the help
Opening and closing documents 
Opening Documents
Save and Save as
Page setup
Print Preview
Printing of Documents
Text Creation and manipulation
Document Creation
Editing Text
Text Selection
Cut, Copy and paste
Font and Size selection
Alignment of Text
Formatting the text
Paragraph identing
Bullets and Numbering
Change case
Table manipulation 
Draw Table
Changing cell width and height
Alignment of text in cell
Delete/ Insertion of row and column
Border and shading
Elements of electronic spreadsheet
Opening of spreadsheet
Addressing of cells
Printing of spreadsheet
Saving Workbooks

Manipulation of Cells
Entering Text, Numbers, and Dates
Creating text, Number and Date Series
Editing Worksheet Data
Inserting and Deleting Rows, Column
Changing Cell Height and width
Function of Charts 
Using Formulas
 Computer Communication and Internet 
Basic of computer networks
Local Area Network (LAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Concept of Internet
Basics of Internet Architecture
Service on Internet 
World Wide Web and websites
Communication on Internet
Internet Services
Preparing Computer for Internet Access
ISPs and examples (Broadband/ Dial up / Wi Fi )
Internet Access Techniques
WWW and Web Browser 
Web Browsing Software
Popular Web Browsing Software
Configuring web browser 
Search Engines 
Popular Search Engines / Search for content
Accessing Web Browser
Using Favourites Folder
Downloading Web pages
Printing web pages
Communications and Collaboration 
Basics of E-mail 
What is an Electronic mail?
E-mail addressing
Configuring Email Client
Using E-mails 
Opening Email Client
Mailbox: Inbox and Outbox
Creating and sending a new E-mail
Replying to an E-mail message
Forwarding an E-mail message
Sorting and searching E-mails
Advance E-mail features
Sending Document by E-mail
Activating Spell Checking
Using address book
Sending softcopy as attachment
Handling SPAM
Instant Messaging and collaboration
Using smiley
Internet etiquettes
Making Small Presentations
Using PowerPoint
Opening a Power point Presentations
Saving a Presentations
Creation of presentations
Creating a Presentations Using a Template
Creating a Blank Presentations
Entering and editing text
Inserting and deleting slides in a presentations
Preparation of Slides
Inserting Word table or an excel Worksheet
Adding Clip Art Pictures
Inserting Other Projects
Resizing and scaling an object
Providing Aesthetics
Enhancing text Presentations
Working with color and Line style
Adding Movie and sound
Adding Headers and footers
Presentations of slides
Viewing A Presentations
Choosing a set up for presentations
Printing slides and hangouts
Slide Show 
Running a slide show
Transition and slide timings
Automating a slide show
How to Download Syllabus
  • Candidates need to visit to the official website
  • On home page hit appropriate link
  • Then click to Download Option
  • Save it and take print out of your syllabus for future need

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