Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Install Joomla! 3.3.1 insatllll

Install Joomla!

Installing Joomla! is quite fast if you have all the required elements:
  • server to store folders and files and a database (on localhost or online).
  • A web browser.
  • The FTP username and password and the Database login details (provided by your host. To install on localhost, please see below).
  • An Internet connection (for an online installation).
  • A FTP client (for an online installation).
  • Joomla! package.

 Joomla! Requirements

Caution: there are some requirements that need to be met for Joomla! to work correctly:

SoftwareRecommended MinimumMore information
PHP (Magic Quotes GPC off)5.3.1 +5.3.1 + http://www.php.net 
Supported databases   
MySQL (InnoDB support required)5.1 +5.1 + http://www.mysql.com 
MSSQL10.50.1600.1+10.50.1600.1+ http://www.microsoft.com/sql 
PostgreSQL8.3.18 +8.3.18 + http://www.postgresql.org 
Supported Web Servers   
Apache (with mod_mysql, mod_xml,and mod_zlib)2.x +2.x + http://www.apache.org 
Nginx1.11.0 http://wiki.nginx.org 
Microsoft IIS77ttp://www.iis.net 
 Source: Joomla.org 

Download Joomla!

Before starting to install Joomla!, you need to download it.
There is only one official website from which you can download Joomla!: http://www.joomla.org .

Installation on localhost or online

You have two options:
  • You want to build your website on localhost before putting it online

In this case, you need to install a local server on your computer beforehand. There are many different servers and if you are a Mac user, you can for example install MAMP . If you are a Windows user, you can install WAMP  and for Linux user, you can for example install XAMPP .
Once you have installed the local server, unpack the downloaded Joomla! package and put it in the root of this server. For practical reasons, it's better if you rename this folder, in this tutorial we will use the name "sitejoomla". You can choose any name you want as long as it doesn't contain space or special characters.

  • You already have a hosting provider and you want to install your website directly on live server

In this case, you will only need your login details (provided by your host) to get connected through FTP and to connect to the database.
Once downloaded, you have to unzip the Joomla! package and transfer its content by FTP and with a FTP client onto the server provided by your host. When the transfer is complete, you will have access to the URL of your domain name and you will be taken to the installation page.

Installing Joomla! in three steps

Since the release of the version 3.0, the installation of Joomla! has been simplified and is now composed of three steps (instead of 7 steps for Joomla 2.5): 1 Main Configuration, 2 Database Configuration, 3 Overview.
To start installing Joomla!, you need to go to the following address:
If you are using WAMP or another software on Windowshttp://localhost/sitejoomla
If you are using MAMP on Mac OShttp://localhost:8888/sitejoomla
If you installed Joomla! on live serverhttp://www.yoursitename.com 


If your environment doesn't meet the Joomla!'s prerequisites, you will see the following screen:
Joomla pre install checking
Pre-installation of Joomla! with the parameter “Magic Quotes GPC Off”  inactive = No
In some cases, you won't be able to proceed with the installation of Joomla!, you will first need to solve the issues highlighted in red.
If you don't get the above screenshot, but the one below instead, your environment meets the prerequisites of Joomla! and you will be able to quickly install Joomla!.

Step 1 - Main Configuration

During the installation, you must not use the Back and Forward buttons of your browser. The buttons Back/Next will allow you to navigate from one page to another if need be.
 Step 1 configuration
Step 1 - Main Configuration
1 – Select the language for the installation process.
2 – Enter the name of your site.
3 – Enter a general description of your website (this parameter can be filled after the installation of Joomla!).
4 – Enter your email address.
5 – Enter your username. The username by default is “admin”. If you're installing Joomla! on a remote host, it's highly recommended that you use another username (see chapter Security). If you're installing on localhost, you can use “admin”.
6 – Enter and confirm your password (see chapter Security).
7 – You can choose whether your website will be offline or online after installation's been completed.
Note: It is recommended to write down your username and password. These are the super user's login details, without them, you will not be able to access the Backend of your website. Write them down twice.
Once all fields have been filled, you can hit the Next button.

Step 2 - Database Configuration

Step 2 database
Step 2 - Database Configuration
During this step, Joomla! will create the database. If you're installing Joomla! on a localhost, you may not need to create this database beforehand (except on some servers). If you're installing Joomla! on a remote host, you need to create this database beforehand and then to enter the login details provided by your host.

1 – The database type. Usually, you don't need to change this setting.
2 – The database information details: see table below according to your environment.
If you're using WAMP or another software in a Windows environment
- Database host namelocalhost
- Database usernameroot
- Database username's password-no password-
- Database namebasejoomla

If you're using MAMP in a Mac OS environment
- Database host namelocalhost
- Database usernameroot
- Database username's passwordroot
- Database namebasejoomla

If you're installing Joomla! on a remote host, you need to enter the information details provided by your host.
3 – Joomla! automatically generates a table prefix (5 characters), which can be changed if you want to.
4 – If you have an old installation of Joomla!, on the same basis, you can choose whether you want to back up or remove the tables of the previous installation.
Once all fields have been filled, you can hit the Next button.
Note: The name of the database “basejoomla” is just an example, you can rename it. To avoid any problems, it's better if you don't use any space or special characters:
Joomla Database → Not Ok
joomla_database → Ok

Step 3 - Overview

Step 3 overview
 Step 3 - Overview
1 – Choose to install or not some Joomla! sample data.
2 – You can choose to email the installation's configuration settings. This can be useful for a next installation. The email will be sent to the address you entered in step 1.
Note: The sample data are finalized sites introducing Joomla!. If you're a beginner, it is recommended that you install some sample data so you can get used to Joomla!. You will still be able to install another Joomla! site in another directory in order to build your website in parallel. 
Note: Since the version 3.2, Joomla! offers the possibility to create a multilingual site during the installation process. If you want to set up a multilingual website, you must not install sample data. To set up a multilingual site, please see below. If you do not configure your website for multilingual content now, you will still be able to do it later. To do so, see the chapter Multilingual Website in Joomla!.
Once everything is correct, click the Next button.

Multilingual Site during the installation of Joomla!

As previously said, it is possible to set up a multilingual Joomla! website.
If you want to do this during the installation process, click the Extra steps: Install Languages button (1):
Joomla install languagesInstalling additional languages during the installation of Joomla!
This will take you to the following page:
Joomla install languages step 2Language packs installation
Here, you select the languages that you want to install (1), then you hit the Next button (2).
You will then be taken to this page:
Joomla defaut languageMultilingual configuration during the installation
Here, you need to customize the parameters:
1 - Activate the multilingual feature: Yes
2 - Install localised content: (recommended). This parameter allows you to automatically create items such as articles, categories, etc. in every language.
3 - Enable the language code plugin: This plugin allows optimizing your multilingual website for search engines. More information in the Multilingual chapter.
4 - Select the default language for the administrator (Backend).
5 - Select the default language for the public part of your website (Frontend).
Once all set, hit the Next button (6).

Finishing up the installation and removing the installation folder

joomla! installation completed
Finishing up the installation and removing the installation folder

Congratulations! Joomla! is now installed.
In order to be able to access your website, you need to remove the installation folder (1). You will then be able to connect to your website or to the Backend (2).
You can access your website at the following addresses:
The Frontend
If you are using WAMP or another software on Windowshttp://localhost/sitejoomla
If you are using MAMP on Mac OShttp://localhost:8888/sitejoomla
If you installed Joomla! on live serverhttp://www.yoursitename.com 

The Backend
If you are using WAMP or another software on Windowshttp://localhost/sitejoomla/administrator
If you are using MAMP on Mac OShttp://localhost:8888/sitejoomla/administrator
If you installed Joomla! on live server http://www.yoursitename.com /administrator

- See more at: http://kiwik.net/en/joomla/3/the-book-for-everyone/installation#sthash.6xkjZbMS.dpuf

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