Monday, 5 August 2013

How To Log In Joomla? Learn How To Access Joomla Administrator Login

How To Log In Joomla?

Learn How To Access Joomla Administrator Login

How to Access Joomla Login Screen

To login to Joomla and access your administrative panel, you need to open your browser and navigate to On this page, you will find a login screen, where you need to enter the username and password you've chosen during the Joomla installation process.

What To Do If I Have Forgotten my User/Pass

If you have forgotten the password for a regular (non Super-Administrator) username, the latest Joomla version provides you with an easy method for getting your login details. Simply navigate to your login screen and press the question mark button next to the password field. You will be redirected to a page where you'll have to enter the email address associated with your Joomla user. You will then receive an email with a link to the password reset page and appropriate validation key.
However, if you want to reset the password of your Super Administrator (the main admin username you've chosen during the installation process) you will have to do that manually. Check out this article on How to Reset Joomla Admin Password for detailed, step-by-step instructions.

Create a Website with Joomla

How to build a website with Joomla?

In this group of tutorials we will teach the basic skills you need in order to create a simple Joomla site. We believe that once you understand the Joomla structure and the way the application works, it will become much easier for you to create the site that you want. However, Joomla has endless capabilities and it is easy for the unexperienced user to get lost in the sea of information. This is why, we have focused on the fundamental knowledge that you really need.

How to Create a Website with Joomla

Joomla Article Page

Learn How to Create a Joomla Article, Link it in The Menu and Display it on your Home Page
Joomla provides an extremely wide range of options for creating different types of content and for structuring it on your website. Below we will describe how to create a simple page and display it in the menu of your Joomla website.

How to create Joomla articles

Basically, the content for most of your standard pages that consist of text, images and hyperlink will be created in the Article Manager, which can be accessed through the Content menu item in your Joomla admin page:
When you click on Add New Article, you will see a WYSIWYG editor that you can use to write and format your new article text, add images & links to it, and more:
ImportantTo make your article visible on your website for all visitors, you need to put it on Published status and Public Access.

How to link articles in the Joomla menu

Once you have created your article you will most probably want to link it in the menu of your website, so that your visitors can actually be able to find and see it. To do this you need to use the Main menu manager.
After you have indicated that you want to create a new menu item, you will have to select the type of the menu item:
Since we will be linking content created through the Article manager we should click on the Articles link
in the list. If you want the new menu to simply open the article you have just created simply press the Single Article option.
Once you choose this option, a box for selecting which article exactly you wish to link to will appear:
That's it, you can now open your website and see your newly created menu item that links to your new Joomla article:

How to display Joomla articles on your Home page

NoteJoomla Home is a menu item like all the others. So if you want the article you just created to be the one displayed on your home page, just follow the instructions above, but instead of creating a new menu item, edit the existing Home menu item.

Joomla Component Page

Learn how to use Joomla default components to create more complex pages
Joomla allows you to create more complex content and add specific functionality on top of the standard articles that consist of text, images and links. You can do that via the Components manager.

Content created with Components manager

By default, the Components manager includes several options for adding more complex page types and other content to your Joomla website. Joomla comes with a few preinstalled components that allow you to create special page types: Contacts, Newsfeeds, Search, Smart Search and Web links.
If you want to create a page with news feed for example, you need to go to Components -> Newsfeeds -> Feeds and than click the big green NEW button.
ImportantWhenever you create new content with a component, make sure you go to the list of items for the particular component and change the status to Published by clicking on the red cross and turning it to a green checkbox. Otherwise, the content won't be displayed on your website.

Linking the content created with Components in the Joomla menu

To link content created with the Components manager in your website menu, you need to go to the Menu manager:
Once you click on Create New Menu Item you need to select the type of the Item you will add:
Find the corresponding line for the component you have used, for example if you are trying to create a Newsfeeds page, click the Newsfeeds link from the list.
Now, you need to select the exact Feed the menu should link to. To do that click on the Select button next to the Feed field and choose the newly created Test feed. Finally, press the Save button to publish this menu item on your website.

Joomla Categories

How to Create and Manage Categories in Joomla?
In Joomla you also have Categories. Each time you create an article or other content type you can assign it to a category. Categories can give you more options for structuring your content. For example you can group similar articles in one category and create a page that displays the intros of all the articles.

How to manage Article categories

Categories for articles are created in order to allow you to group your content better. If you have different types of pages on your site, or you write on different topics, you should add article Categories to group your content. Article categories can be managed through the Content manager. To add a new category go to Content -> Category Manager -> Add New Category.
Categories don't have a lot of properties. If you plan to have many categories, you can write a brief description of each one of them in order to avoid mistakes when you add articles to them. However, adding description is not mandatory, so you can simply add Title for your category and press the green Save button.
That's it. Now, when you add new articles to your website, you can choose them to belong to the newly created category

How to manage Component categories

Many Joomla components utilize the use of categories. For example, you can organize the feeds you display on your website in different categories. They work exactly the same as the ones for your articles, but they are located in the individual component's menu.
The only difference between article and component categories is that when you choose the categories menu for the particular component, you're redirected directly to the categories manager for that component. Here, you need to press the green New button in order to add a category. 
This page is exactly the same as the one used for article categories - add Category Title, Description(optional), and hit the save button. 
That's it, you can now use the newly created category to group your component items.

Listing Categories on a Joomla page

If you want to list your categories on your website, you need to use the Joomla Menu functionality. First, add a new item to the menu, as we previously did in our tutorial on linking articles in the Joomla menu with one minor difference - this time, you need to choose a different menu type. But first things, first. Go to Menus -> Main Menu(or other menu in your site) -> Add New Menu Item.
Here, click on the Select button next to the Menu Item Type label to choose what kind of menu you want to add.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we will add a menu item, that will display all the categories of articles we have previously added. To do so, expand the Articles section and press List All Categories.
Finally, choose the title for your menu item and the Top level category you want to display. If you want to show all categories, select "Root". If you want to display only sub-categories of a particular category, you need to set it as a top level category. Finally, press the Save button in the top left part of the screen.
That's it, once you click on the newly created menu item Categories Menu, you will see a list of all the article categories. Next to each category, you will see a number showing how many articles belong to that category.

Joomla Featured Article

Mark Joomla Article as Featured and Display Featured Articles on a Page
The Joomla menu functionality allows you to create pages that group multiple content based on similar properties. For example, if you want to have a blog section on your website, you'd want to have all articles from your blog category displayed in it. In this tutorial we will look quickly through some of the available options.

Mark Joomla articles Featured

First, you need to mark some articles in your site as Featured. To do this go to Content -> Articles Manager. Here, you will see a list of your articles. Note that there is a star next to each article. To mark an article as Featured, simply press the star next to it. It will turn yellow, indicating that you've marked this article as featured.

Show Featured articles on a page linked in the Joomla menu

If you want to manually choose the articles displayed on a page, the Featured Articles menu type in Joomla is exactly what you need.
First, let's create a new menu item. To do this go to Menus -> Main Menu(default main menu) -> Add New Menu Item (you can do the same with existing menu items, for example the Home menu).
Next, we should select the menu type by pressing the Select button next to the Menu Item Type label.
A popup with the available menu types will appear. Expand the Articles section and select the Featured Articles option.
Finally, press the Save button in the top left corner of this page.

Customize the way articles are arranged on this page through the menu

By default Joomla will show the full text of the latest featured article expanded on the top of the page, and the full text of the next 4 articles displayed in two columns. If you have more than 5 featured articles the rest will be listed as links on the bottom of the page, and pagination will be automatically created that leads to next pages featuring the full texts of the rest of the articles.
You can change the way articles are displayed through the menu item’s Advanced Options tab (Menus -> Main Menu -> Menu Item -> Advanced Options Tab). The first article, that takes all of the width is called Leading Article. You can assign any number of articles you want, including 0, to be displayed this way. For this example we will choose 0, as we do not want any article to be displayed in full width. Next you can choose how many intro articles will be shown after the leading ones on this page (we choose 6). You can also choose in how many Columns to show the Intro articles (we chose 3). Finally, choose how many of the remaining featured articles to be listed as Links at the bottom (we chose 3).
You can play with these settings untill you achieve a configuration you like. With the examplary settings we set the the page will look like this:

Manage how much of each article to be shown (Read More option)

By default Joomla will show the entire text of each featured article on the Featured Articles page. However, this is not very convenient when you have articles with different length. You can choose how much of each featured article to be shown on this page using the Read More feature in your articles manager.
To do that open the article in the Article editor, click where you want to split the article and press the Read More button right below your WYSIWYG editor. A dotted red line will be displayed, separating your article intro from the rest of the article content.
Once you do that, you will notice that Joomla has generated a Read More button right after the intro content you selected on the page where the article is featured together with the other ones.


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