Friday, 4 October 2013

Installing WordPress Famous 5-Minute Install online ftp

WordPress is well-known for its ease of installation. Under most circumstances, installing WordPress is a very simple process and takes less than five minutes to complete. Many web hosts now offer tools (e.g. Fantastico) to automatically install WordPress for you. 

Things to Know Before Installing WordPress

Before you begin the install, there are a few things you need to have and do.
These are:

Things You Need to Do to Install WordPress

Begin your installation by:
  1. Checking to ensure that you and your web host have the minimum requirements to run WordPress.
  2. Download the latest release of WordPress.
  3. Unzip the downloaded file to a folder on your hard drive.
  4. Be prepared with a secure password for your Secret Key
  5. Print this page out so you have it handy during the installation.

Famous 5-Minute Install

Here's the quick version of the instructions for those who are already comfortable with performing such installations. More detailed instructions follow.
If you are not comfortable with renaming files, Steps 3 and 4 are optional and you can skip them as the install program will create the wp-config.php file for you.
  1. Download and unzip the WordPress package if you haven't already.
  2. Create a database for WordPress on your web server, as well as a MySQL user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.
  3. Upload the WordPress files to the desired location on your web server:
    • If you want to integrate WordPress into the root of your domain (e.g., move or upload all contents of the unzipped WordPress directory (excluding the WordPress directory itself) into the root directory of your web server.
    • If you want to have your WordPress installation in its own subdirectory on your web site (e.g., create the blog directory on your server and upload the contents of the unzipped WordPress package to the directory via FTP.
    • Note: If your FTP client has an option to convert file names to lower case, make sure it's disabled.
  4. Run the WordPress installation script by accessing the URL in a web browser. This should be the URL where you uploaded the WordPress files.
    • If you installed WordPress in the root directory, you should visit:
    • If you installed WordPress in its own subdirectory called blog, for example, you should visit:
That's it! WordPress should now be installed.

Detailed Instructions

Step 1: Download and Extract

Download and unzip the WordPress package from
  • If you will be uploading WordPress to a remote web server, download the WordPress package to your computer with a web browser and unzip the package.
  • If you will be using FTP, skip to the next step - uploading files is covered later.
  • If you have shell access to your web server, and are comfortable using console-based tools, you may wish to download WordPress directly to your web server using wget (or lynx or another console-based web browser) if you want to avoid FTPing:
    • wget
    • Then unzip the package using:
      tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz 

      The WordPress package will extract into a folder called wordpress in the same directory that you downloadedlatest.tar.gz.

Step 2: Create the Database and a User

If you are using a hosting provider, you may already have a WordPress database set up for you, or there may be an automated setup solution to do so. Check your hosting provider's support pages or your control panel for clues about whether or not you'll need to create one manually.
If you determine that you'll need to create one manually, follow the instructions for accessing phpMyAdmin on various servers, or follow the instructions for Using cPanel or Using phpMyAdmin below.
If you are installing WordPress on your own web server, follow the Using phpMyAdmin or Using the MySQL Client instructions below to create your WordPress username and database.
If you have only one database and it is already in use, you can install WordPress in it - just make sure to have a distinctive prefix for your tables to avoid over-writing any existing database table.

Using cPanel

If your hosting provider supplies the cPanel hosting control panel, you may follow these simple instructions to create your WordPress username and database. A more complete set of instructions for using cPanel to create the database and user can be found in Using cPanel.
  1. Log in to your cPanel.
  2. Click MySQL Database Wizard icon under the Databases section.
  3. In Step 1. Create a Database enter the database name and click Next Step.
  4. In Step 2. Create Database Users enter the database user name and the password. Make sure to use a strong password. Click Create User.
  5. In Step 3. Add User to Database click the All Privileges checkbox and click Next Step.
  6. In Step 4. Complete the task note the database name and user. Write down the values of hostnameusernamedatabasename, and the password you chose. (Note that hostname will usually be localhost.)

Using's custom cPanel (LPCP)

Lunarpages has developed their own version of cPanel.
  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Go to Control Panel.
  3. Click on the button on the left panel labeled 'Go to LPCP'.
  4. Go to MySQL Manager.
  5. Add the user name and database name but leave the host name as the default IP number.
  6. Note the IP address of the database on the right which is different from the default IP number of the host indicated in the above step.
  7. When modifying the WP-CONFIG.PHP file, use the DB IP number, not 'LOCALHOST'.
  8. When modifying the WP-CONFIG.PHP file, be sure to use the full name of the database and user name, typically 'accountname_nameyoucreated'.
  9. Refer to for more info.

Using phpMyAdmin

If your web server has phpMyAdmin installed, you may follow these instructions to create your WordPress username and database.
Note: These instructions are written for phpMyAdmin 2.6.0; the phpMyAdmin user interface can vary slightly between versions.
  1. If a database relating to WordPress does not already exist in the Database dropdown on the left, create one:
    1. Choose a name for your WordPress database ('wordpress' or 'blog' are good), enter it in the Create new database field, and click Create.
  2. Click the Home icon in the upper left to return to the main page, then click Privileges. If a user relating to WordPress does not already exist in the list of users, create one:
    1. Click Add a new User.
    2. Choose a username for WordPress ('wordpress' is good) and enter it in the User name field. (Be sure Use text field: is selected from the dropdown.)
    3. Choose a difficult-to-guess password (ideally containing a combination of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols), and enter it in the Password field. (Be sure Use text field: is selected from the dropdown.) Re-enter the password in the Re-type field.
    4. Write down the username and password you chose.
    5. Leave all options under Global privileges at their defaults.
    6. Click Go.
  3. Return to the Privileges screen and click the Check privileges icon on the user you've just created for WordPress. In theDatabase-specific privileges section, select the database you've just created for WordPress under the Add privileges to the following database dropdown. The page will refresh with privileges for that database. Click Check All to select all privileges, and click Go.
  4. On the resulting page, make note of the host name listed after Server: at the top of the page. (This will usually be localhost.)

Using the MySQL Client

You can create MySQL users and databases quickly and easily by running mysql from the shell. The syntax is shown below and the dollar sign is the command prompt:
$ mysql -u adminusername -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 5340 to server version: 3.23.54
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> CREATE DATABASE databasename;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename.* TO "wordpressusername"@"hostname"
    -> IDENTIFIED BY "password";
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> EXIT
The example shows:
  • that root is also the adminusername. It is a safer practice to choose a so-called "mortal" account as your mysql admin, so that you are not entering the command "mysql" as the root user on your system. (Any time you can avoid doing work as root you decrease your chance of being exploited). The name you use depends on the name you assigned as the database administrator using mysqladmin.
  • wordpress or blog are good values for databasename.
  • wordpress is a good value for wordpressusername but you should realize that, since it is used here, the entire world will know it too.
  • hostname will usually be localhost. If you don't know what this value should be, check with your system administrator if you are not the admin for your Wordpress host. If you are the system admin, consider using a non-root account to administer your database.
  • password should be a difficult-to-guess password, ideally containing a combination of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. One good way of avoiding the use of a word found in a dictionary is to use the first letter of each word in a phrase that you find easy to remember.
If you need to write these values somewhere, avoid writing them in the system that contains the things protected by them. You need to remember the value used for databasenamewordpressusernamehostname, and password. Of course, since they are already in (or will be shortly) your wp-config.php file, there is no need to put them somewhere else, too.

Using DirectAdmin

a. Regular "User" of a single-site webhosting account logs in normally. Then click "MySQL Management." (If this is not readily visible, perhaps your host needs to modify your "package" to activate MySQL.) Then follow part "c" below.
b. "Reseller" accounts or "Admin" accounts may need to click "User Level." They also must first log-in as "Reseller" if the relevant domain is a Reseller's primary domain... or log-in as a "User" if the domain is not a Reseller's primary domain. If a Reseller's primary domain, then when logged-in as Reseller, you simply click "User Level." However if the relevant domain is not the Reseller's primary domain, then you must log-in as the relevant User. Then click "MySQL Management." (If not readily visible, perhaps you need to return to the Reseller or Admin level, and modify the "Manage user package" or "Manage Reseller package" to enable MySQL.)
c. In "MySQL Management," click on the small words: "Create new database." Here you are asked to submit two suffixes for the database and its username. For maximum security, use two different sets of 4-6 random characters. Then the password field has a "Random" button that generates an 8-character password. You may also add more characters to the password for maximum security. "Create." The next screen will summarize the database, username, password and hostname. Be sure to copy and paste these into a text file for future reference.

Step 3: Set up wp-config.php

You can either create and edit the wp-config.php file yourself, or you can skip this step and let WordPress try to do this itselfwhen you run the installation script (step 5) (you'll still need to tell WordPress your database information).
(For more extensive details, and step by step instructions for creating the configuration file and your secret key for password security, please see Editing wp-config.php.)
Return to where you extracted the WordPress package in Step 1, rename the file wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php, and open it in a text editor.
Enter your database information under the section labeled
 // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
The name of the database you created for WordPress in Step 2 .
The username you created for WordPress in Step 2.
The password you chose for the WordPress username in Step 2.
The hostname you determined in Step 2 (usually localhost, but not always; see some possible DB_HOST values). If a port, socket, or pipe is necessary, append a colon (:) and then the relevant information to the hostname.
The database character set, normally should not be changed (see Editing wp-config.php).
The database collation should normally be left blank (see Editing wp-config.php).
Enter your secret key values under the section labeled
  * Authentication Unique Keys.
Save the wp-config.php file.
For information on enabling SSL in WordPress 2.6, see SSL and Cookies in WordPress 2.6.

Step 4: Upload the files

Now you will need to decide where on your domain you'd like your WordPress-powered site to appear:
  • In the root directory of your web site. (For example,
  • In a subdirectory of your web site. (For example,
Note: The location of your root web directory in the filesystem on your web server will vary across hosting providers and operating systems. Check with your hosting provider or system administrator if you do not know where this is.

In the Root Directory

  • If you need to upload your files to your web server, use an FTP client to upload all the contents of the wordpress directory (but not the directory itself) into the root directory of your web site.
  • If your files are already on your web server, and you are using shell access to install WordPress, move all of the contents of thewordpress directory (but not the directory itself) into the root directory of your web site.

In a Subdirectory

  • If you need to upload your files to your web server, rename the wordpress directory to your desired name, then use an FTP client to upload the directory to your desired location within the root directory of your web site.
  • If your files are already on your web server, and you are using shell access to install WordPress, move the wordpress directory to your desired location within the root directory of your web site, and rename the directory to your desired name.
Note: If your FTP client has an option to convert file names to lower case, make sure it's disabled.

Step 5: Run the Install Script

Point a web browser to start the installation script.
  • If you placed the WordPress files in the root directory, you should visit:
  • If you placed the WordPress files in a subdirectory called blog, for example, you should visit:

Setup configuration file

If WordPress can't find the wp-config.php file, it will tell you and offer to try to create and edit the file itself. (You can do also do this directly by loading wp-admin/setup-config.php in your web browser.) WordPress will ask you the database details and write them to a new wp-config.php file. If this works, you can go ahead with the installation; otherwise, go back and create, edit, and upload the wp-config.php file yourself (step 3).
Enter database information

Finishing installation

The following screenshots show how the installation progresses. Notice in Entering the details screen, you enter your site title, your desired user name, your choice of a password (twice) and your e-mail address. Also displayed is a check-box asking if you would like your blog to appear in search engines like Google and Technorati. Leave the box checked if you would like your blog to be visible to everyone, including search engines, and uncheck the box if you want to block search engines, but allow normal visitors. Note all this information can be changed later in your Administration Panels.
Version 3.0
Enter site, login, and email
All done!

Install Script Troubleshooting

  • If you get an error about the database when you run the install script:
    • Go back to Step 2 and Step 3, and be sure you got all the correct database information and that it was entered correctly intowp-config.php.
    • Be sure you granted your WordPress user permission to access your WordPress database in Step 3.
    • Be sure the database server is running.

Common Installation Problems

The following are some of the most common installation problems. For more information and troubleshooting for problems with your WordPress installation, check out FAQ Installation and FAQ Troubleshooting.
I see a directory listing rather than a web page.
The web server needs to be told to view index.php by default. In Apache, use the DirectoryIndex index.php directive. The simplest option is to create a file named .htaccess in the installed directory and place the directive there. Another option is to add the directive to the web server's configuration files.
I see lots of Headers already sent errors. How do I fix this?
You probably introduced a syntax error in editing wp-config.php.
  1. Download wp-config.php (if you don't have shell access).
  2. Open it in a text editor.
  3. Check that the first line contains nothing but <?php, and that there is no text before it (not even whitespace).
  4. Check that the last line contains nothing but ?>, and that there is no text after it (not even whitespace).
  5. If your text editor saves as Unicode, make sure it adds no byte order mark (BOM). Most Unicode-enabled text editors do not inform the user whether it adds a BOM to files; if so, try using a different text editor.
  6. Save the file, upload it again if necessary, and reload the page in your browser.
My page comes out gibberish. When I look at the source I see a lot of "<?php ?>" tags.
If the <?php ?> tags are being sent to the browser, it means your PHP is not working properly. All PHP code is supposed to be executed before the server sends the resulting HTML to your web browser. (That's why it's called a preprocessor.) Make sure your web server meets the requirements to run WordPress, that PHP is installed and configured properly, or contact your hosting provider or system administrator for assistance.
I keep getting an Error connecting to database message but I'm sure my configuration is correct.
Try resetting your MySQL password manually. If you have access to MySQL via shell, try issuing:
SET PASSWORD FOR 'wordpressusername'@'hostname' = OLD_PASSWORD('password');
If you are using a version of MySQL prior to 4.1, use PASSWORD instead of OLD_PASSWORD. If you do not have shell access, you should be able to simply enter the above into an SQL query in phpMyAdmin. Failing that, you may need to use your host's control panel to reset the password for your database user.
My image/MP3 uploads aren't working.
If you use the Rich Text Editor on a blog that's installed in a subdirectory, and drag a newly uploaded image into the editor field, the image may vanish a couple seconds later. This is due to a problem with TinyMCE (the rich text editor) not getting enough information during the drag operation to construct the path to the image or other file correctly. The solution is to NOT drag uploaded images into the editor. Instead, click and hold on the image and select "Send to Editor."

Automated Installation

Although WordPress is very easy to install, you can use one of the one-click autoinstallers typically available from hosting companies. Four of those autoinstallers, (mt) Media Temple 1-Click ToolFantasticoInstallatron 1-Click Installer, and Softaculous are described here.

(mt) Media Temple 1-Click Tool

  1. Log into your AccountCenter at and choose the primary domain of your (gs) Grid-Service.
  2. Click on "1-Click Applications", then click "Add New Application".
  3. Click the "Start" button for WordPress.

4. Input various setup details and click "Install".
5. Then click on "Finish" and your Wordpress installation is complete!


  1. Login to your cPanel account and click on the Fantastico (or Fantastico Deluxe) option
  2. Once you enter Fantastico on the left hand side there is a 'Blogs' Category under which WordPress is there. Click on it.
  3. Click on the 'New Installation' Link in the WordPress Overview
  4. Fill in the various details and Submit.
  5. That's it you are done!

Installatron 1-Click Installer

Installatron is a one-click web application installer that enables WordPress and other top web applications to be instantly installed and effortlessly managed. Get WordPress up and running on your website in seconds and discover just how easy Installatron makes managing web applications. WordPress installations managed by Installatron can updated (manually or automated), cloned, backed up and restored, edited to change installation parameters, and more.
Many web hosting providers include Installatron through their web hosting control panel. If Installatron is not available from your provider, you can use Installatron directly from
To install WordPress through your web hosting provider's control panel:
  1. Login to your web host's control panel, navigate to "Installatron", click "WordPress", and choose the "Install this application" option.
  2. Change any of the install prompts to customize the install. For example, you can choose a different language for WordPress.
  3. Click the "Install" button to begin the installation process. You will be redirect to a progress page where you can watch as WordPress is installed within a few seconds to your website.
To install WordPress using
  1. Navigate to WordPress @ Installatron and choose the "Install this application" option.
  2. Enter your hosting account's FTP or SSH account information, and then enter MySQL database information for a created database. For increased security, create a separate FTP account and MySQL database for your WordPress installation.
  3. Change any of the install prompts to customize the install. For example, you can choose a different language for WordPress.
  4. Click the "Install" button to begin the installation process. You will be redirect to a progress page where you can watch as WordPress is installed within a few seconds to your website.
If you experience any problems or want to share your experience using WordPress and Installatron together, email Installatron at:


  1. Login to your host and look for Software/Services
  2. In Softaculous there is a 'Blogs' Category. Collapse the category and WordPress will be there. Click on it.
  3. You will see an 'Install' TAB. Click it.
  4. Fill in the various details and Submit.
  5. That's it, you are done!

Installation Instructions in Other Languages

For installation instructions in other languages, see WordPress in Your Language.

Installing Multiple Blogs

Detailed information about Installing Multiple Blogs is available.

Installing WordPress on your own Computer

Local Installation Instructions

Use these instruction for setting up a local server environment for testing and development.

Software Appliance - Ready-to-Use

You may find that using a pre-integrated software appliance is a great way to get up and running with WordPress, especially in combination with virtual machine software (e.g., VMWare, VirtualBox, Xen HVM, KVM).
software appliance allows users to altogether skip manual installation of WordPress and its dependencies, and instead deploy a self-contained system that requires little to no setup, in just a couple of minutes.
  • TurnKey WordPress Appliance: a free Ubuntu-based appliance that just works. It bundles a collection of popular WordPress plugins and features a small footprint, automatic security updates, SSL support and a Web administration interface.
  • BitNami WordPress Appliance: free WordPress appliances based on Ubuntu or Open Suse. Native installer and Cloud images also available. There are also virtual machines for WordPress Multisite already configured.
  • UShareSoft WordPress Appliance: free WordPress appliance for many of the major virtualization and cloud platforms (, Xen, VMware, OVF, Abiquo)

Easy 5 Minute WordPress Installation on Windows

Download, install, and configure WordPress with the Microsoft Web Platform Installer (Web PI). Installation is very easy and takes on average about 5 minutes to complete. For other Windows installers, check this section
Step 1. Things you need to know before starting.
  1. These steps will work on Windows versions which include IIS, such as Windows XP professional, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Server.
  2. You must be able to install programs on your machine (i.e. have administrator rights).
  3. Once Web PI is installed, neither XAMPP nor any other web server will be able to use localhost to host a web site locally on your machine.
Step 2. Navigate to the WordPress Installation Page
  1. Choose the "Install" button.
  2. If you have Web PI already installed, it will automatically be launched and you can skip to the next step.
  3. If you do not have the Web Platform Installer, you will be prompted to install it.
  4. Web PI is a tool from Microsoft that downloads and installs the latest components you need to develop or host Web applications on Windows. Everything in the tool is free. Web PI will install and configure IIS, PHP, MySQL and anything else you may need.
Step 3. Choose to Install WordPress
  1. When Web PI launches, you will see an information page for WordPress. Start installing WordPress by pressing the "Install" button in the lower right hand corner.
Step 4. Installation of WordPress and its requirements
  1. Finding Dependencies: Web PI will determine the minimum set of components and modules you need on your machine to run WordPress. It will only install what you’re missing. For example, PHP will be installed and configured to run WordPress.
  2. Configure the Database: After accepting the terms, if you need to install MySQL, you will be asked to create a password for the root account database account. Keep this password safe. WordPress will ask for this information later.
  3. Choose the site: Choose a site to install WordPress to. You may install to an existing Web site in IIS or create a new site. Use the default setting if you do not have advanced configuration needs.
  4. WordPress Setup: WordPress will need answers to a few specific questions such as the username (in the case of a new MySQL install is root) and password for your MySQL database to complete the install.
Step 5. Completion
  1. Once you enter the WordPress setup information, Web PI will finish the installation.
  2. Click, Launch in Browser and WordPress will launch.
Alternatively, the BitNami WordPress installer is a free, self-contained native installer for WordPress that includes Apache, MySQL and PHP so it works out of the box.

Thursday, 26 September 2013



The Google optimization process is not fully structured, but could result in the following steps:

1) Analysis of competition.

A competitive analysis will help us to know what strategies they are using those "fight" with our company to win the segment. Through this research we know your keywords, its strengths and weaknesses. This does not mean it will copy all of its attributes, but watching you learn. Learn about our competitors will be very useful to know where we can fight and how we improve.

2) Survey of Keywords.

Through a detailed study we know the keywords in place and largely used by the public they will target your company. Match in the keywords is an essential step for the success of their "virtual branch", since they will transport visitors from search engines or search engines to your website.

3) Development of a database for the site.

We must improve the site's pages, and if we start from scratch, create them. This step will optimize both the HTML coding (headings, metatags, etc..) And "site architecture" (internal structure of links to Web pages that compose your site) as the graphical interface of the website (content and design). Recall that a website that has a great design but not provide content that visitors need, is a sterile site.

4) Incorporation of keywords.

Once you choose the most effective keywords, we put on our website. These should appear on the most important pages (Home Page and Services page) and the right balance. An excessive repetition of the same would result in some Search Engines erase the site from their lists.

5) Review and building links.

Acquiring and quality related links pointing to your website generates 95% of success in trying to get high rankings in Search Engines. While increasing the Network Status for search engines is also important to have lots of links pointing to your pages, we see that the really important matter is the quality and degree of relationship of the same with your site.

Directory Submission SEOs ( Search Engine Optimizing people )

Directory Submission

Directory submission is proven to be a wonderful method for gaining quality one-way incoming back links. Even newbie SEOs ( Search Engine Optimizing people ) knows how incoming links play an important role in today's search engine optimization procedure. Higher the quality of incoming links better your search engine rankings and internet visibility.

If you are a business owner and seeking to make presence of your website on the World Wide Web then directory submissions is the most viable option. The basic aim of directory submission is to create one way links to a website. This in turn generates more traffic flow towards your website and improves the search engine rankings. This method is perhaps the best suitable and affordable option of search engine optimization. It offers huge opportunities to promote a business online. In fact, directory submissions are the most essential factor to consider while developing marketing strategies of your business.

Directory Submissions benefits

Directory submission is the most widely and commonly used approach to build back-links towards an e-commerce website. Mentioned below are the benefits of directory submissions:
• Back links: One of the major objectives of directory submissions is to generate link building towards an e-commerce website. Generating back links are the major benefits of web-directory submissions which in turn results in more traffic flow towards a website.
• Search Engine Indexing: Another major benefit of directory submissions is guaranteed search engine indexing. The search engines locate your website following the back links form other websites. If your website’s link is discovered on the directory site, the spiders will follow the links to your website, thus results in increasing the visits and indexing in the databases of search engines.
• Frequent visits by spiders: Search engine spiders often visit the websites present on World Wide Web to collect information for archives. The more back links a website has the more frequent the spiders will visit the website and higher a website will rank.
• Anchor Text: Using anchor text on your website will eventually be hyperlinked to your website providing you an anchor- back link text from the directories. Hence directory submissions using keywords as anchor-text will boost your link reputation.

Avoid top four mistakes
As you initiate to make use of directory submissions in order to increase the business prospects and achieve success, there are somewhat four mistakes that are suggested to avoid:
• Ignoring the rules: Every directory comprises of its own set of guidelines and have real managers other than web spiders to review the website’s submissions. If you fail to follow the guidelines of the directory submission then there is a possibility to be rejected.
• Turning submission into sales pitch: The directory submissions made by you should only concentrate on your business facts and website. Using marketing phrases or flowery language will lead to rejection of your website by the directory managers. Always use third person language and be objective. Avoid keyword spamming!
• Stuffing the title: There are a few directories that require submitting a title matching your website’s name while various submission directories permit you to incorporate keywords as well.
• Use of errant e-mail address: Ensure that the e-mail address you have submitted matches well with the domain. The directory editor would be doubtful if received any e-mail address from Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail. These search engines are most frequently associated with mass-submission software.



Here are Some tips to get Top Rank in all search engines. It is advised to act upon one step daily and achieve your goal.

Keyword Optimization

Having well written/optimized texts and using the right keywords right is extremely important in SEO. Make sure that before launching your website, you can give a positive answer to all the questions below:

1. Did I conductive an extensive keyword research? Did I find all the popular terms that are relevant to my industry/niche/website?
2. Did I choose the targeted keywords wisely? Have I made sure that I can compete for the selected terms?3. Did I write unique, high quality texts that will be considered useful both by the Users and by the Search Engines? Have I performed a spelling check to all of my texts?
4. Do I have unique titles and descriptions in all the pages of the website?
5. Did I add all the important keywords in the page Titles, the Meta-Descriptions and the HTML Headings (H1-H6)? Have I optimized my texts for those keywords?
6. Are the Titles and Meta-Descriptions compelling for the users? Will they click on my page if it appears on Search Engine Results?
7. Did I use keyword combinations that are likely to be searched by users? Have I optimized my pages for those keyword combinations? Did I incorporate in the text synonyms that are likely to be used in the queries?
8. Do I have a descriptive alt text in all the images of my website?
9. Have I ensured that the content is not over-optimized, that there is no hidden text in the pages and that no Keyword Stuffing techniques are used?
10. Did I keep my pages targeted by focusing on a small number of keywords per page?
11. Have I kept the content of my pages relevant to my website’s theme? Am I sure that I have not optimized my pages for irrelevant terms?
12. Are the most important keywords of my page in the beginning of the document?
13. Did I make sure that my pages will not compete each other on SERPs and that I do not have lots of different pages optimized for exactly the same keywords?
Note that by using SEO Tools you can speed up your checks. Analyze your pages by using the Keyword Analyzer in order to ensure that your pages are targeted and optimized for your selected keywords. Additionally the SERP Analysis tool can help you analyze and evaluate the competition and see if it is possible to compete for the selected terms.

Website Development

The techniques that are used in order to develop a website are extremely important and they affect the SEO. So ask yourself the following questions and make sure you have done everything properly.

14. Is my website well coded? Is it cross-browser? Have I made sure that my pages contain no broken HTML that is likely to affect the analysis of the site? 15. Have I developed my website by using Search Engine friendly technologies? Is someone able to access my website without requiring him to use Flash, Silverlight, JavaScript/AJAX, Java applets, frames etc?
16. Is my menu visible from all the pages and is it developed in HTML so that the search engines can find the rest of the pages?
17. Is my site easy to be crawled? Do I provide text links for all the pages of my website?
18. Do I use properly the meta-robots tags?
19. Did I take steps to eliminate duplicate content by focusing on the Link Architecture, by doing 301 redirects when required and by using proper canonical tags?
20. Did I make sure that I don’t use unnecessary or incorrect HTTP redirections?
21. Do I redirect the non-www version of my website to the www version or vise versa?
22. What is the loading time of my website? Have I done everything I can to reduce it?
23. Am I certain that I do not do Cloaking and that I have no Doorway pages?

Link Structure, URLs and Links

In several articles in the past we have discussed how important it is to develop a solid link structure. Below we list the most essential checks that are related to the link structure, the URLs and the links:

24. Did I incorporate the important keywords in my URLs? 25. Have I ensured that my URLs are not too lengthy or too spammy?
26. Am I sure that no Session IDs (or other unnecessary variables) appear in my URLs?
27. Are my URLs static and SEO friendly (they do not include the “?” char)?
28. Do I use dashes instead of underscores in my URLs?
29. Have I ensured that I do not have too many outgoing links per page?
30. Do the anchor texts of my internal links contain important keywords? Are their text short butdescriptive? Are these keywords the same with the ones that I selected during keyword optimization?
31. Do I have an optimized Link Structure? Do I use a tree-like architecture where the top level pages are the most important pages of my website?
32. Have I linked the most important pages directly from homepage or from the top categories?
33. Have I ensured that most of my PageRank/Link Juice passes to my internal pages and that there are not too many links pointing to external sites or dangling pages?
34. Have I eliminated all the links that point to different versions of the same page, causing duplicate content problems?
35. Have I eliminated all the broken links?
36. Do I use meaningful internal anchors when necessary?
37. Am I 100% sure that I do not have any hidden, spammy or paid links in my site?
38. Do I usually use text links instead of image links, when I point to an internal page?
39. Have I nofollowed the links that I do not trust? Have I decided on whether I will do PageRank sculpting?
In order get a detailed view of how the PageRank flows within your site and what is the link structure of your webpages, make sure you use the Link Structure Tool. It will provide you with detailed statistics andgraphs along with all the data you require to evaluate your current link architecture.

Domains & Hosting

Both domain names and hosting can heavily affect the performance of your website and your SEO campaign, so make sure you check the followings:

40. Have I checked that my domain has no previous bans from search engines? 41. Does the domain name contain any useful/relevant keywords?
42. Have I selected the TLD of the domain wisely? Am I certain of why I want to use a generic or a country specific TLD?
43. Do I understand what are the benefits and the tradeoffs of using subdomains?
44. Do I know in which country my website is hosted? Am I certain that the website should be hosted in that country? (Given that the server location is a signal)
45. Is my hosting company reliable? Do they update/patch their servers regularly? Do they offer the necessary modules that will help me build an SEO Friendly Website? What is the uptime percentage? What are the loading times? How many sites are hosted under the same IP?

Off Page and other Checks

After checking your webpages you need to ensure that all the necessary files have been built, that all of the necessary accounts are created and that you are ready to go live. Check out the followings and make sure you have not forgotten any of the basics:

46. Did I create XML and/or HTML sitemaps? Have I submitted them to the search engines? 47. Have I created a robots.txt file? Do I know exactly which pages I have to block? Am I certain that I want to block those pages?
48. Have I created an account on Google, Bing and Yahoo Webmaster Tools? (Yes you should still use Yahoo tools until they are fully integrated with Bing).
49. Have I created a Google Analytics account (or use a similar Web Analytics service)? Have I added the tracking code in all the pages of my website? Am I sure? Am I 100% sure?
50. Have I set up an RSS feed (mainly for blogs and news websites)? Do I use the RSS autodiscovery technique? Have I added the RSS URL on the HTML Header of my pages?
51. Do I understand what are the benefits and the tradeoffs of using Geo location? Have I decided on whether I should use it on my website?
52. Have I evaluated the design on my website? Have I set up the call to actions?
53. Have I setup the scripts to monitor user’s activity?
54. Have I decided on whether I will do A/B testing?
55. Have I developed a solid Link Building strategy? Have I gathered all the relevant high traffic directories of my industry and the search engine’s local listings where I can submit my business? Do I know which websites link to my competitors? Do I have a plan on how to acquire high quality links?
56. Have I decided on whether I should use Social Media to promote my brand? Have I developed a solid Social Media strategy? Did I add the social media buttons in my website? Have I created the profiles?
57. Have I tested my website by using the Web SEO Analytics Toolbox? How can I improve the site based on the SEO reports?
58. Am I positive that I use no blackhat techniques and that I do not violate Google ‘s Guidelines?
59. Have I created the Email accounts, the FTP accounts etc? Have I set up everything?
60. Have I tested thoroughly my website? Am I ready to go live?
I strongly believe that if you complete all of the checks that are described above and if you use this SEO checklist you will be able to detect most of the flaws that can damage your SEO campaign. I wish you the best of luck and I am looking forward to your suggestions and comments.

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